a few other loves & inspirations:
petrichor // the smell of rain right after a storm
rivers with wide sand banks and swirling eddies
weird tasting menus with many courses
sunflowers and dahlias and spray roses and chrysanthemums
myths and magics, both old and new
winter trees that look like skeletons
summer trees that look like giants
fairies, gnomes, ents, and other woodland watchers
moon phases, eclipses, and constellations
anything to do with the cosmos
the uncanny
witchy things
pizza (all types)
creme brulee
blood oranges
watercolor paints
the solitude of 4 am
reading tarot
shades of indigo and violet, marigold and saffron
and all the shades of green
too many movies and books to name
mushrooms & mycelium
nerding out over anything
rupaul's drag race & great british bake off
synesthesia (my own and others)
nature documentaries
live music of any variety
forensic criminology & anthropology
baking for loved ones
whales whales whales
laughter that feels like sunlight
singing in community
this whole big world